Fruit Stickers on Bulk Fruit Explanation

Fruit Stickers on Bulk Fruit Explanation – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Fruit Stickers on Bulk Fruit Explanation. This topic was created by Julie Severson and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Fruit stickers: 8 things you may not have known

Published:  | Submitted by Sophia Castro | permalink
Fruit stickers: 8 things you may not have known

One of your New Year's resolutions was to improve your diet in 2015. Less vending machine, more vegetables. Fewer fries, more fruit. But there is a pesky problem with produce: Fruit stickers. Every supermarket apple, avocado & apricot carries with it a sticky, numeric tag that tells your cashier's computer what type of healthy snack you're taking home today.

Tip 2 - Decoding Produce Stickers: The Hidden Meaning Behind Fruit & Vegetable Labels

Published:  | Submitted by Regine Burk | permalink
Decoding Produce Stickers: The Hidden Meaning Behind Fruit & Vegetable Labels

Like Costco's price codes or the tags on your bread, the numerical codes printed on those sticky little fruit and vegetable labels can reveal a lot of information to us consumers. Once you understand the codes, you can look at that little label (also known as PLU, or "price look up" label) and know whether the produce you're about to buy or eat was treated with pesticides, genetically modified, both, or neither. Before we go any further with deciphering the codes on these labels, let's take a moment to talk about the actual labels. The stickers themselves are kind of mysterious. Are they bad

Tip 3 - Price Look-Up (PLU) Produce Codes

Published:  | Submitted by Packet Collision | permalink
Price Look-Up (PLU) Produce Codes

Can shoppers use numeric codes found on produce stickers to identify how those items were grown?
Tags: food, produce, fruits, vegetables, stickers, organic, genetically modified, urban legends archive, hoaxes, scams, rumors, urban myths, folklore, hoax slayer, mythbusters, misinformation, snopes

Tip 4 - What do the stickers on fruits and vegetables mean?

Published:  | Submitted by Matt Madison | permalink
What do the stickers on fruits and vegetables mean?

Ever wonder what the stickers on fruits and vegetables mean? Simple and straightforward explanation to helping you learn more about the food you eat.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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