Instead of cutting out on food in order to lose weight I have been considering going on a fruit diet. Any suggestions and advice you guys have? Which fruits should I eat in order to lose weight quickly?
"Green Vegetables like green beans, lettuce, broccoli and asparagus helps in numerous health promotion and they beneficial for fat loss at the same time."
Avacados are loaded with healthy Omega 9 fatty acids (the same fats found in olive oil, olives, and macadamia nuts), avocados speed the conversion of fat into energy and boost the rate of metabolism.
Grapefruit has long been believed to help with weight loss, mostly because it’s low on the glycemic index (meaning, it doesn’t spike your blood sugar like some other fruits do), and it contains a good amount of fiber so you feel satisfied for longer after eating it. Eating just one grapefruit a day (110 calories) can help boost your fat burning efforts.
Apples are the best weight loss fruits in my opinion. They are actually one of the only foods that cut calories rather than adding them. If you are on a strict diet you might want to eat around 2 - 4 apples a day and you will see the difference.
Dry fruits are actually good for weight loss because they are dense and packed with essential vitamins. They also reduce cholesterol, help your body burn fat and improve your immune system.
<p><span style="line-height:1.6">Citrus foods are more effective for weight loss than you might. They are not only high in fiber, which keeps you full, they also reduce bloating. Vitamin C, which is present in citrus fruits helps immunity and these fruits are low in calories.</span></p>
A watermelon is typically more than 90% water, which means it has very few calories. The water content also makes sure you feel full and don't overeat. Watermelon is also very versatile and can be prepared in many different ways.
Category: Health & Fitness | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago
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