G4 Laptop Troubleshooting

G4 Laptop Troubleshooting – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on G4 Laptop Troubleshooting. This topic was created by Silvio Honda and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to fix a broken G4 iBook logic board problem - Macintosh How To

Published:  | Submitted by Alex Rey | permalink
How to fix a broken G4 iBook logic board problem - Macintosh How To

There is a problem with the logic board in the Macintosh G4 ibooks. It can appear after a year or more in some machines and the symptom is that after being on for a few minutes, the screen goes black (it looks blank, but the light has gone off) , the fan turns on, and the computer freezes.

Tip 2 - Overheating- HP Pavilion g4 Notebook PC

Published:  | Submitted by Linus Buss | permalink
Overheating- HP Pavilion g4 Notebook PC

Hello, my Pavilion has been overheating recently. I do play games on it but nothing that should make it overheat this fast.. It overheats in about 30 minutes of usage on games, but other that that its fine. It overheats too much and I have cleaned the vents out and checked for updates and that mess....
Tags: Other notebook, other laptop

Tip 3 - Laptop Charger Plugged In But Not Charging

Published:  | Submitted by serap Mansuroglu | permalink
Laptop Charger Plugged In But Not Charging

Hi,   I bought a hp pavilion dv6-6154tx laptop in last month.my laptop developed a peculiar problem. When I connect my charger to it, it starts charging but after sometime it stops and the battery icon shows "Plugged in, not charging". Then after some time it again starts.   Sudroid.co.cc
Tags: hard drive, cd drive, computer memory, dvd drive, keyboard, mouse, CPU, card readers, ports, touchpad

Tip 4 - Invalid Title - iFixit

Published:  | Submitted by Jit Goswami | permalink

Invalid Title
Tags: Invalid Title

Tip 5 - How To Fix Common Mac Startup Problems [MacRx] | Cult of Mac

Published:  | Submitted by Tinus Boes | permalink
How To Fix Common Mac Startup Problems [MacRx] | Cult of Mac

Clues to the causes of Mac startup problems can be found by analyzing when in the boot process the system fails.  Problems may be related to the power supp

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 4 month(s) ago

7.9k+ Reads
5 Tips
6 Votes
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