Getting Rid of Flies in Your House

I am really frustrated with flies in my house especially during summers. I have tried many sprays and insect killers but they don't work. Can you guys give me any tips that I can work on to get rid of the flies in my house?

Tip 1 - All you need is a wide-mouthed jar, some sugar water, and a stiff paper cone

Published:  | Submitted by Advice | permalink
All you need is a wide-mouthed jar, some sugar water, and a stiff paper cone

All you need for this is a wide-mouthed jar, some sugar water, and a stiff paper cone. Pour some syrup into the container as bait. Next, fashion a medium-length paper cone, making the wide end larger than the jar's opening and cutting a hole an inch in diameter at the apex (see Drawing No. 1). Set the cone upside down in the mouth of the container, perhaps taping it in place. Now, put the jar in some unobtrusive spot, and let it be. The flies will be attracted to the syrup and will go down through the cone into the glass trap. Once inside, they won't be able to fly up through the ....

By G.R. Osborne

Tip 2 - Apply Mesh screens on your Windows

Published:  | Submitted by Shelley | permalink

If flies are a constant problem to you I suggest you should apply mesh screens on your windows and a door made up on mesh screen before the main entrance door of your house.

Tip 3 - Install a mesh door in front of your main and back doors

Published:  | Submitted by Hunain | permalink

The main and back doors are usually open and allow flies to enter the house. Use a mesh door to prevent this without blocking air passage and light.

Tip 4 - Clean out your garbage and get rid of the trash

Published:  | Submitted by Tredwell | permalink

Flies are usually attracted to garbage and trash so the one most important thing you can do is to get rid of it. Clean out your kitchen regularly and make sure eating places are clean.

Tip 5 - Cleaning away fly attractants

Published:  | Submitted by Tessajones | permalink

Try to get rid of all such things that invites the flies to your house such as food kept open, junk near to the entrance points of the house etc.

Tip 6 - Try to make your house Dark

Published:  | Submitted by Joanne | permalink

Flies follow the light so darken up your house can help you in repelling them.

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Category: Beauty & Personal Care | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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