Getting Rid of a Headache Fast

I frequently suffer from headaches and the only solution is to pop a pill and wait for it to settle. Are there any other remedies or ways to get rid of headaches that work?

Tip 1 - Use VapoRub, it works!

Published:  | Submitted by Jessica Thompson | permalink

Vicks VapoRub can provide relief from headache if you apply just a little bit of it to your forehead and rub it there.

Tip 2 - Depends how fast, but a quick snooze always helps.

Published:  | Submitted by Siya S | permalink
Depends how fast, but a quick snooze always helps.

I have always been prone to migraine headaches and I find a quick 30 minute snooze always helps. I am not a fan of drugs even though it is a quick fix but it is not good to become dependent on them. So, my best advice is a snooze but don't over do the snooze as it may worsen your headache.

Tip 3 - Boil Vinager and water, cover your head with a towel and sniff the mix.

Published:  | Submitted by 3ak | permalink

This helps with sinus headaches.

Tip 4 - Stretch Your Neck to Relieve Tension in Muscles

Published:  | Submitted by Robert | permalink

Tense muscles in the neck area also lead to headaches. If you feel a headache coming on, stretch your neck to relax the muscles. Can help a lot of times.

Tip 5 - Drink Water Even If You Are Not Thirsty

Published:  | Submitted by Riley | permalink

A lot of time headaches are caused by dehydration and can be fixed by drinking water. In order to avoid headaches in the future make sure you drink water even when you don't feel thirsty.

Tip 6 - Did screaming, yelling and going berserk somehow relax the muscles pain receptors

Published:  | Submitted by AMpm6 | permalink

It was a miracle! An anticipated 3 days of agony had been blasted away in a fireball of emotion.

Did screaming and yelling and going berserk somehow relax the muscles, or release endorphins, or somehow make the pain receptors stop recepting? At any rate, all was well with the world. Thank goodness. I had 3 days to go to showtime, and there was a lot of work to do.

By  Liz O'Brien

Tip 7 - Simple but effective: 30 minute nap in a dark room

Published:  | Submitted by rara | permalink

Even if it means closing your eyes in a dark room, you will feel the difference almost instantly - this is my home remedy, it kills my headaches faster than a paracetamol ever will.

Tip 8 - Cut a lime in half, rub on forehead

Published:  | Submitted by Mr Amazing | permalink

very soothing and a super quick relief from the worse of headaches!

Tip 9 - Use fenugreek combined with fennel seeds and your Headache will no longer be around

Published:  | Submitted by Dr Ted | permalink

I started using fenugreek a year ago and I haven’t had a migraine since.

I also tried menopace on my mother who is going through menopause and her migraine has dramatically decreased.  A study showed that during menopause, the level of oestrogen decreases steeply. From this, I gathered there might be a link. The fenugreek I use now is combined with fennel seeds and can be bought online on nature’s sunshine website. Fenugreek have been used for many years to help with PMS and hormone imbalance. It acts by mimicking the action of oestrogen. There have been studies to show that it can eases menstrual bleeding and common symptoms of menopause.  I had noticed that my acne also reduced when I was taking high doses of primrose evening oil.

Tip 10 - having sex releases endorphins from the brain to relieve pain

Published:  | Submitted by RELOAD | permalink

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Category: Health & Fitness | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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