Getting your Employees to Do More

Employers, Managers and Bosses around the world want their employees to be more productive, take smaller breaks, fewer days off, and essentially do more for the company or business. Here we are compiling tips from bosses and employers around the world, as they share the secrets, ideas and tactics they use to get their employees to do more.

Tip 1 - Give them incentives to work more

Published:  | Submitted by Bryan | permalink

You can't expect more from employees without giving them incentives to work harder. Make sure you give them bonuses and perks to encourage improvement, loyalty and more productivity.

Tip 2 - Be punctual and motivate by example

Published:  | Submitted by Adam | permalink
Be punctual and motivate by example

If you are punctual and show dedication, your employees will have no excuse to slack. Moreover, your efforts will motivate them to go beyond their limits and do more.

Tip 3 - Ask for detailed reports from managers and leads

Published:  | Submitted by Brody | permalink

If you ask your managers and leads for reports you will be able to assess how each employee is performing. Moreover, since they know you will be looking at the reports, they will perform better.

Tip 4 - Never motivate them, it does not work

Published:  | Submitted by Advertising | permalink
Never motivate them, it does not work

Never motivate them, it does not work.  Motivation is internal and you can't just get by someone talking to you for few minutes. You must have a desire to do well to begin with, only than any external force can work.  Best thing to do is to make sure you take your time at hiring and only hire people who are a good fit for you and your team.  Be very clear and upfront for your expectations, if they still show desire to join, then take them on. 

There are lots of good ethical people out there, we are too lazy when it comes to hiring. If you take your time before hiring, you will be able to pick employees who will do their best.  Just be fair and Appreciate their efforts.

Tip 5 - Personally appreciate those who work more

Published:  | Submitted by Tredwell | permalink

A very simple yet effective way to get more from your employees is to motivate them by appreciating their work. If you can take some time out to give them a pat on the back, you will definitely see better results from everyone.

About Author

Bio: Ana has extensive experience in the content industry, having worked for several major publications alongside her freelance work. Other than being in love with her work, she enjoys cooking, listening... read more »

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Category: Business & Finance | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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