Tip - Golf Courses: Great Britain and Ireland: David Cannon, Sir Nick Faldo, Peter Alliss, Padraig Harrington: 9780847835720: Amazon.com: Books

Published  | Submitted by Dittafrom Poznan

Golf Courses: Great Britain and Ireland [David Cannon, Sir Nick Faldo, Peter Alliss, Padraig Harrington] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.  A limited-edition, oversize book containing spectacular photographs-including five-foot-wide foldout panoramas-of the best golf courses from the far reaches of Great Britain and Ireland.  This volume showcases stunning panoramic views of nearly one hundred of the most extraordinary historic golf courses: from the incomparable and venerated St. Andrews to the spectacular heaths of Carnoustie Golf Links
Tags: David Cannon, Sir Nick Faldo, Peter Alliss, Padraig Harrington,Golf Courses: Great Britain and Ireland,Rizzoli,0847835723,Ball Games: Field & Outdoor,Golf,Golf - General,Sports,Sports & Recreation,Sports & Recreation / Golf

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