CASEMENT windows that swing open and close like a door and have hinges along one side will usually work for many years without trouble. But in time most will need some periodic maintenance to keep them operating smoothly. As they age, some no longer close as snugly as they should, allowing cold drafts and even water to enter when a storm strikes. Fortunately, most such problems can be corrected with minor repairs or adjustments that are not difficult for the homeowner. Most casement windows are opened and closed by means of a crank mechanism that is mounted against the frame on the inside. Turning the handle on this causes a control arm to move, pushing the window open or pulling it closed, depending on which direction the handle is turned. The enclosed crank mechanism consists of a series of gears inside a metal housing. The gears are usually packed in grease to make turning easy, but it helps to apply a few drops of oil around the base of the handle, as shown in the drawing. Tags: TERMS NOT AVAILABLE
Posted: 9 years, 9 month(s) ago
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