Health Effects of Fluorescent Lights

Health Effects of Fluorescent Lights – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Health Effects of Fluorescent Lights. This topic was created by Casper Angelo and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - The Unintended Effects of Fluorescent Lights on Your Health

Published:  | Submitted by Denise Randolph - Chapel | permalink
The Unintended Effects of Fluorescent Lights on Your Health

The Effect Florescent Lights can have on Your Productivity and Welfare

Tip 2 - Uncle Sam's Not-So-Bright Solution

Published:  | Submitted by Jason Neuman | permalink
Uncle Sam's Not-So-Bright Solution

"IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE," MIRIAM RAFAILOVICH, PH.D., is saying, perhaps sensing my distress after she'd peppered me with rapid-fire tech talk at her lab at Long Island's Stony Brook University. "Here, look. You can see it."She holds up one of those spirally CFLs—compact fluorescent lights, the bulbs that have been crowding out incandescents on store shelves. "There," says the materials engineering researcher. "And there. And, oh my, look at that. Wow."
Tags: Fluorescentm, Fluorescent lightbulbs, power-saving light bulbs, light bulbs, light bulbs and health risks, CFL, men's health lightbulb risks

Tip 3 - Eye Disease Resulting From Increased Use of Fluorescent Lighting as a Climate Change Mitigation Strategy

Published:  | Submitted by Tony Dovale | permalink
Eye Disease Resulting From Increased Use of Fluorescent Lighting as a Climate Change Mitigation Strategy

Increased use of fluorescent lighting as a climate change mitigation strategy may increase eye disease. The safe range of light to avoid exposing the eye to potentially damaging ultraviolet (UV) radiation is 2000 to 3500K and greater than 500 nanometers. ...

Tip 4 - Health Effects of Fluorescent Lighting | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by prabhu upadhyay | permalink
Health Effects of Fluorescent Lighting | LIVESTRONG.COM

Fluorescent lighting, specifically CFLs, or compact fluorescent lights, are becoming more and more commonly used in homes and offices as people turn to "green living." Fluorescent lights are an efficient source of energy; according to the Thurston County, Washington Department of Public Health and Social Services, a fluorescent light bulb lasts up...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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