Health Risks Associated with Sucralose

Health Risks Associated with Sucralose – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Health Risks Associated with Sucralose. This topic was created by Karin Omojola and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Is Splenda Really Safe?

Published:  | Submitted by MA Dshrimp Hyper Threader | permalink
Is Splenda Really Safe?

Sucralose—the no-calorie sugar substitute known as Splenda—has been found to cause a variety of harmful biological effects on the body, according to a new research review.
Tags: sucralose, splenda, sugar, artificial sweeteners, sucralose research, is splenda safe, is sucralose safe, health effects of sucralose

Tip 2 - Health Hazards Associated with Splenda Consumption

Published:  | Submitted by Abby Orris | permalink
Health Hazards Associated with Splenda Consumption

Sucralose (Splenda) is a best-selling artificial sweetener, but did you know that there are many health hazards associated with it?
Tags: splenda, dioxin, splenda dangers, splenda side effects, splenda ingredients, sucralose dangers, sucralose, sucralose side effects, artificial sweetener

Tip 3 - The Potential Harmful Effects of Sucralose (Splenda)

Published:  | Submitted by lommerusk | permalink
The Potential Harmful Effects of Sucralose (Splenda)

A new report from scientists about the study of Splenda (sucralose) reveals shocking information about the dangers of this artificial sweetener.
Tags: sucralose side effects, sucralose dangers, is sucralose bad for you

Tip 4 - How Safe Is Splenda? Is Splenda Bad For You?

Published:  | Submitted by alinoz 77 | permalink
How Safe Is Splenda? Is Splenda Bad For You?

Find out why Splenda (sucralose) was downgraded from 'safe' to 'caution' by The Center for Science in the Public Interest back in 2013 and what this means.

Tip 5 - The Dangers of Splenda

Published:  | Submitted by Kim and Mike Legarza | permalink
The Dangers of Splenda

Rumor: The artificial sweetener Splenda was inadequately tested and is unsafe for human consumption.
Tags: splenda, aspartame, artificial sweetener, urban legends archive, hoaxes, scams, rumors, urban myths, folklore, hoax slayer, mythbusters, misinformation, snopes

Tip 6 - Health Risks Associated with Sucralose | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by Eyal Gehasie | permalink
Health Risks Associated with Sucralose | LIVESTRONG.COM

After being studied for more than 20 years, the artificial sweetener sucralose was deemed safe by the Food and Drug Administration. This noncaloric sweetener is used in a wide variety of foods, including baked goods, frozen desserts and beverages. Although the majority of scientific evidence has shown sucralose to be safe, some research has...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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