Healthy Alternatives to Chewing Gum

Healthy Alternatives to Chewing Gum – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Healthy Alternatives to Chewing Gum. This topic was created by chacal 277 and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 5 healthy alternatives to chewing gum.

Published:  | Submitted by Christopher Tallman | permalink
5 healthy alternatives to chewing gum.

5 healthy alternatives to chewing gum

Tip 2 - Healthy Chewing Gum Alternative

Published:  | Submitted by nancy verdickt | permalink
Healthy Chewing Gum Alternative

A healthy chewing gum alternative that won't waste valuable digestive enzymes, unbalance gut flora, or wreck your teeth.

Tip 3 - Healthy Alternatives to Chewing Gum | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by ladyboy | permalink
Healthy Alternatives to Chewing Gum | LIVESTRONG.COM

The early predecessor to chewing gum, spruce gum, was popular in the early 1800s and was cut from the spruce tree, according to the Wrigley's website. Today, chewing gum is sweetened and made in a variety of flavors. While chewing gum is mostly harmless, an addiction to using several packs of gum each week can lead to health problems, says Susan...

Tip 4 - Natural Chewing Gum Offers Healthier Alternative |

Published:  | Submitted by Ivan Koncharov | permalink
Natural Chewing Gum Offers Healthier Alternative |

Chewing gum: it’s something that you might do every day, or just once in a while. But did you know that gum can contain hundreds of potentially dangerous chemicals and synthetic ingredients? Aspartame, acesulfame k, butylated hydroxytoluene, the list of unpronounceable ingredients goes on and on. Chewing gum has its benefits, from helping smokers quit …

Tip 5 - Grow Your Own Gum: The Chewing Gum Alternative

Published:  | Submitted by Ellen Jurewicz | permalink

There was a post on The Healthy Home Economist called The Sticky Truth About Chewing Gum that got me thinking about alternatives. That's when it hit me, I already have some growing on my balcony garde...

Tip 6 - Why chewing gum may not be a good idea... And what are some alternatives? • The Raw Food World News

Published:  | Submitted by Ronald Koelman | permalink
Why chewing gum may not be a good idea... And what are some alternatives? • The Raw Food World News

Why do people chew gum? Maybe it’s because you need to freshen your breath after a meal, increase your mental alertness, or enhance your attention. (1) Perhaps you just feel the need to chew on “something” in order to avoid grazing on foods. Whatever your reasons are, the effect of gum on oral health has …

Tip 7 - Why Chewing Gum Destroys Your Health

Published:  | Submitted by Lisa Powers | permalink
Why Chewing Gum Destroys Your Health

Why Chewing Gum Destroys Your Health

Tip 8 - Most chewing gum is chewing poison. Here's a better gum alternative

Published:  | Submitted by Riti Arya | permalink
Most chewing gum is chewing poison. Here's a better gum alternative

UPDATED. Sigh. I like chewing gum, but when did it become such a danger? Chewing gum possibly hazardous to your health?
Tags: Healthy Living, organic chewing gum, dangers of chewing gum, healthier chewing gum, chewing gum for kids, xylitol gum

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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