Healthy Fruit Shakes

Healthy Fruit Shakes – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Healthy Fruit Shakes. This topic was created by Bruno Romu 00e 3o and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 20 Super-Healthy Smoothies

Published:  | Submitted by roothaert flory | permalink

Blend up some refreshment with these 20 super-healthy smoothie recipes.
Tags: smoothie recipes,smoothies,healthy smoothie recipes,breakfast smoothie recipes,dessert smoothie recipes,slimming smoothie recipes

Tip 2 - 8 Healthy Fruit Smoothies for an Easy Breakfast

Published:  | Submitted by Pierce La Macchia | permalink
8 Healthy Fruit Smoothies for an Easy Breakfast

Wake up and blend up one of these healthy smoothie recipes for a great start to your day.
Tags: fruit smoothie, smoothie recipes, healthy smoothies, how to make smoothies,breakfast,eating healthy,healthy eating

Tip 3 - 11 Healthy Milk Shakes and Smoothies

Published:  | Submitted by Neil Mammen | permalink
11 Healthy Milk Shakes and Smoothies

These drinks combine low-fat dairy products, fruit, and even peanut butter to provide 11 recipes that contain less than 300 calories.
Tags: healthy recipes, drinks, cooking, smoothies, milk shakes, soy milk, milk, yogurt, ice cream, dessert, snacks

Tip 4 - 11 Healthy Breakfast Smoothies

Published:  | Submitted by Manuel Goytortua | permalink
11 Healthy Breakfast Smoothies

Load up on fruits and vegetables with a nutritious blended drink every morning.
Tags: fruit smoothie recipes, weight loss smoothies, healthy breakfast smoothies, breakfast smoothie recipes, how to make fruit smoothies, healthy fruit smoothie recipes, smoothie recipes for kids, low calorie smoothies, green smoothies, green drinks, green drinks, green smoothie recipes, smoothie recipes, breakfast smoothies, fruit smoothies, vegetable smoothies

Tip 5 - Smoothie Recipes That Are Healthy and Refreshing

Published:  | Submitted by Celeste Newcomb | permalink
Smoothie Recipes That Are Healthy and Refreshing

There's something about smoothies that make them almost irresistible as a meal, a drink, or a snack, especially on a hot summer day. Get your blender ready for these healthy fruit smoothie recipes you can make in minutes.

Tip 6 - Super Healthy Fruit Smoothie

Published:  | Submitted by sirslobs | permalink
Super Healthy Fruit Smoothie

Absolutely wonderful fruit smoothie with raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and more! I have this for breakfast every morning.

Tip 7 - Healthy Smoothie Recipes

Published:  | Submitted by Roseli Lopes | permalink
Healthy Smoothie Recipes

Morning, noon, or night—smoothies are a treat right for any time of day.
Tags: Healthy Smoothie Recipes, smoothies, smoothie, healthy smoothies, healthy smoothie, fruit smoothie, vegetable smoothies, dessert smoothies, snack smoothies, breakfast smoothies, peanut butter smoothies

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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