Healthy Sugar Substitutes

Healthy Sugar Substitutes – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Healthy Sugar Substitutes. This topic was created by Avital Herbin and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 30 Sugar Substitutes for Any and Every Possible Situation

Published:  | Submitted by Wayne Bennett | permalink
30 Sugar Substitutes for Any and Every Possible Situation

Sayonara, refined sugar— there are others way to satisfy a sweet tooth. Think outside the sugar packet and try these 30 different ways to sweeten any meal or snack.
Tags: health,fitness,nutrition,recipes,workouts,greatist

Tip 2 - The Case Against Artificial Sweeteners | Sugar Substitutes

Published:  | Submitted by Brent Fiedler | permalink
The Case Against Artificial Sweeteners | Sugar Substitutes

Sugar substitutes can be divided into four general categories: artificial sweetener, natural sweeteners, dietary supplements, and sugar alcohols.
Tags: aspartame, sugar alcohol, artificial sweeteners, sugar substitutes, aspartame dangers, natural sweeteners, sugar alternatives

Tip 3 - Artificial Sweeteners in Pregnancy and Obesity in Child

Published:  | Submitted by stiwix | permalink
Artificial Sweeteners in Pregnancy and Obesity in Child

This study suggests that high intake of artificial sweeteners among pregnant women may increase their children’s risk of excessive...

Tip 4 - Sweet Solutions: The Best Sugar Substitutes

Published:  | Submitted by Wilfried Reiners | permalink
Sweet Solutions: The Best Sugar Substitutes

Tags: sugar substitutes

Tip 5 - 10 Artificial Sweeteners and Sugar Substitutes

Published:  | Submitted by shackbar | permalink
10 Artificial Sweeteners and Sugar Substitutes

Are artificial sweeteners, honey, agave nectar, or high-fructose corn syrup healthier than table sugar? To help you decide, heres the real deal on 10 common sweeteners.
Tags: sugar, artificial sweeteners, how to choose an artificial sweetener, agave, honey, saccharin, splenda, high-fructose corn syrup

Tip 6 - Sugar Substitutes - Healthy Natural Sweeteners

Published:  | Submitted by Olaf Thormaehlen | permalink
Sugar Substitutes - Healthy Natural Sweeteners

Meet four sugar substitutes that don't come in pink, blue, or yellow packets.
Tags: april 2012, omag, o magazine, sugar, sugar substitues, stevia, agave nectar, honey, molasses

Tip 7 - The Skinny on Sugar Substitutes

Published:  | Submitted by killzone 2208 | permalink
The Skinny on Sugar Substitutes

Which sugar alternatives are worth a try? Check it out...
Tags: sugar substitutes,sugar alternatives,safe sugar substitutes,the best sugar substitute

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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7 Tips
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