Tip - Here to Stay: Reflections on the Dead in a Small-Town Cemetery: John E. Hallwas, Kathy Nichols: 9781467527552: Amazon.com: Books

Published  | Submitted by Andrey Zn

Here to Stay: Reflections on the Dead in a Small-Town Cemetery [John E. Hallwas, Kathy Nichols] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Here to Stay is a broad and compelling look into the lives of past residents in a downstate Illinois community-presenting the most varied array of small-town folks since Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology appeared a century ago. But it is much more. The introduction on Living with the Dead is an engaging account of both the impact of death in a nineteenth-century town and the social purposes of cemeteries like Macomb's beautiful Oakwood. The biographical sketches of the buried Permanent Residents reflect every generation in that corner of America since the first settlers came
Tags: John E. Hallwas, Kathy Nichols,Here to Stay: Reflections on the Dead in a Small-Town Cemetery,Illinois Heritage Press,1467527556

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