Tip - Hide and Don’t Seek, Don’t Be A Stalker

Published  | Submitted by Carla Valdes

Hide and Don’t Seek: It’s time to stash all those cards, stuffed animals, jewelry, etc that was given to you by your ex. Having all those things laying around is only going to remind you of all the good times you had together, which will cause you to forget about the bad, and remember, all the bad things is what prompted the break-up in the first place. “When you’ve just broken up, you’re still pretty vulnerable to that emotional tug,” Gladding explains in her book. “Getting rid of all those reminders can help get you over the initial hump.”

Don’t Be A Stalker: We’re all guilty of it — stalker-like behavior that we think no one’s aware of, but trust me, people know. No more driving by his house, checking his Facebook page every 15 minutes, and constantly checking in with his guy...

Stephanie Shank

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Posted: 10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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