If you are underweight (per the body mass index (BMI)) or simply looking to gain more weight, then the following high calorie meal plans can help you reach your goals. They are designed for anyone who is looking to gain weight in a healthy way. They can also be used by people who would like to build muscle, if used in combination with an appropriate resistance-training (weight lifting) program. Days 1-5 provide approximately 3000 calories and would be expected to result in weight gain of 1-2lbs (0.5-1kg) per week, depending on gender, body size, and activity level. Day 4 is designed for vegetarians and Day 5 is vegan, and these 2 days also provide approximately 3000 calories. Days 6 and 7 are slightly different and should only be followed by those who are training regularly and looking to increase their muscle mass significantly. Day 7 is a high protein day, which can help increase muscle growth even more effectively. People who are not exercising should skip some of the snacks in order to achieve healthy weight gain and avoid the build up of unhealthy fat. For more meal ideas see the articles on high calorie foods, and high protein foods. Tags: weight gain,meals
Posted: 9 years, 8 month(s) ago
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