Potassium is a mineral in your cells that helps your nerves and muscles work right. The right balance of potassium also keeps your heart beating at a steady rate.A potassium level that is too high or too low can be dangerous. If your levels are high or low, you may need to change the way you eat. Low-potassium foods Medium-potassium foodsHigh-potassium foods Very high-potassium foods less than 100 mg101–200 mg201–300 mgover 300 mgYou can control the amount of potassium you get in your diet by being aware of which foods are low or high in potassium. When choosing foods from lists like the one below, note the serving size. Otherwise, it can be easy to get too much or too little potassium.Content of select high-potassium foods1Food (no table salt added)Serving sizePotassium (mg)Almonds1 oz (24 nuts)200Apricots, dried, sulfured, uncooked10 halves407Artichoke, (globe or french), cooked, boiled, drained1 medium343Banana1422Beef, ground, 80% lean meat, broiled3 oz258Beets, cooked, Tags: High-Potassium Foods,Topic Overview,dietary potassium,food choices
Posted: 9 years, 7 month(s) ago
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