Tip - Homebrewing: How to Brew an English Mild Ale

Published  | Submitted by Nicole Lida
Homebrewing: How to Brew an English Mild Ale

A beer for the working man or woman, the English Mild is a quaffable yet complex ale. This mahogany colored ale usually comes in at about 3.5% ABV, and relies on crystal malts to provide more malt flavor than many other lower-alcohol beer styles. Malt flavors in this style of beer can include sweet toffee, nutty, roasty or dark fruits, but the light body keeps it refreshing. In recent years, the Mild seems to have fallen out of style with commercial brewers in favor of bigger and bolder beers, which leaves it up to homebrewers (like you!) to revive this sessionable English ale.
Tags: @drinkscarousel,homebrewing,mild ale

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Posted: 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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