How Can I Bulk Up My Pitbull?

How Can I Bulk Up My Pitbull? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How Can I Bulk Up My Pitbull?. This topic was created by George Shears and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How Can I Bulk Up My Pitbull? | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Candito | permalink
How Can I Bulk Up My Pitbull? | eHow

Pitbulls are extremely strong, muscular dogs. You need a combination of good quality feed, cardiovascular exercise and strength training to get them into peak condition. Both the owner and the dog need to work to achieve the desired results; you can't do it by tying a dog out with a heavy chain, collar or vest to walk around with. Well-conditioned...

Tip 2 - pitbull supplements Archives - American Bully And Bulldog Upliftment Blog

Published:  | Submitted by md mohamad | permalink

Tip 3 - How can I bulk up a pit bull?

Published:  | Submitted by Simeon Toptchiyski | permalink
How can I bulk up a pit bull?

The easiest ways to add muscle to a pit bull are by engaging him in muscle-building games, such as tug of war or weight pulling, having him do daily flirt pole exercises and increasing his protein...

Tip 4 - How Can I Make My Pitbull Muscular?

Published:  | Submitted by Ricardo Montalvu 00e 3o | permalink
How Can I Make My Pitbull Muscular?

Answer (1 of 20): Use calcium tablet's as soon as possible with high protein dog food, like Dimond all feed stores carry this brand. It's vary affordable. Use tons of   exercise, the best type of exercise is the rope to a tree this helps build upper body Muscule, trust me she will be beefy with out fat, soild wight...

Tip 5 - Hulk bulk! Possibly the world's biggest pitbull at 174lbs 

Published:  | Submitted by Mead Rose | permalink
Hulk bulk! Possibly the world's biggest pitbull at 174lbs 

The enormous hound is owned by canine breeders Dark Dynasty K9s, from New Hampshire, which specialises in breeding fearsome guard dogs.
Tags: Hulk,bulk,Possibly,world,s,biggest,pitbull,174lbs

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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