How Can I Soundproof My Upstairs Wooden Floors?

How Can I Soundproof My Upstairs Wooden Floors? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How Can I Soundproof My Upstairs Wooden Floors?. This topic was created by cheewa james and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Apartment Living: Soundproofing Solutions for the Floor

Published:  | Submitted by Terri Abbruzzese | permalink
Apartment Living:  Soundproofing Solutions for the Floor

Residing on an upper floor can provide a bit more privacy and safety, but also comes with a cost. Recently, my neighbor came knocking to inform me she could hear loud music through the ceiling. Embarrassed, I quickly turned down the volume and began investigating ways to reduce noise from traveling through the floor.

Tip 2 - Soundproofing a Floor: Noise Reduction for Wood or Tile Flooring

Published:  | Submitted by Yoshitomo | permalink
Soundproofing a Floor: Noise Reduction for Wood or Tile Flooring

Techniques for soundproofing a floor: Ways to achieve noise reduction in three common scenarios, including wood and tile flooring.
Tags: soundproofing a floor,soundproofing floors,wood floors noise reduction,soundproof flooring

Tip 3 - Soundproofing a Floor

Published:  | Submitted by Patrick Mc Garry | permalink
Soundproofing a Floor shows how to reduce noise pollution in your home by soundproofing by carpeted and hard floors.

Tip 4 - How to Reduce Floor Noise

Published:  | Submitted by andreia gonu 00e 7alves | permalink
How to Reduce Floor Noise

Houses often produce creaks, noises or amplify sounds. This is especially true with older houses, poor construction or hardwood floors. There are a number of ways you can muffle noisy floors, according to the problems of your building....
Tags: WikiHow, Reduce Floor Noise, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 5 - Soundproof Your Floors

Published:  | Submitted by Cecilia Aragon | permalink
Soundproof Your Floors

Noise-reduction tips

Tip 6 - Soundproofing between levels in an old multiple story home

Published:  | Submitted by Tony Alyassin | permalink
Soundproofing between levels in an old multiple story home

My daughter and her husband have just purchased a home built in 1928 which was relocated to a new foundation/daylight basement in the 60's. They are renovating to create a MIL unit in the basement. I am wondering if there is a way to soundproof from the underside (my ceiling) to diminish sound com
Tags: house,architecture,design,interior design,interior designer,architect,kitchen,bath,modern,traditional,contemporary,contractor,builder

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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