How Do I Show My Dog I'm the Alpha?

How Do I Show My Dog I'm the Alpha? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How Do I Show My Dog I'm the Alpha?. This topic was created by Susse Licht and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How Do I Show My Dog I'm the Alpha?

Published:  | Submitted by David Roesler | permalink
How Do I Show My Dog I'm the Alpha?

You come home and see disaster has struck. Your favorite shoes lie on the floor in 10 pieces, the garbage is tipped over, and Fido sits there looking innocent as ever. He's not a lost cause yet, ...

Tip 2 - Dog training tips, basic manners, Important things, and tricks

Published:  | Submitted by John Pyne | permalink
Dog training tips, basic manners, Important things, and tricks

all dogs should be trained to some standard. All dogs should know basic manners. Most dogs should know important things. Some dogs know tricks. I take...

Tip 3 - Alpha Dog, Pack Leader, and YOU! | The Dog Liberator™

Published:  | Submitted by James Kelley | permalink
Alpha Dog, Pack Leader, and YOU! | The Dog Liberator™

Lady Di, the Alpha Female I get phone calls, sometimes 5 a week, from owners who want to surrender their dog. Usually, it's because the dog is showing serious signs of aggression, sometimes toward children or other dogs. As I interview the owner, I am then informed that the owner not only allows the dog on their furniture, but actually sleeps with the dog. While I have slept with some of my dogs, it's not a given, it's a honor to be invited in my bed. I have never allowed a dog to own my bed or dictate to me. If people would only realize that a dog is a dog, it is not your child. Even the smallest of breeds are famous for biting people and other dogs, why? Because the dog was babied, and is confused. The babied and pampered dog thinks it's in charge, and to be honest, I don't blame the dog at all! Most of these dogs, big or small, end up in shelters and pounds. Here lies the difference between being a dog owner, and pack leader. I talk about Lady Di quite often. While she is very much
Tags: alpha female,pack leader,dog training,help you pages,the alpha dog

Tip 4 - Signs That Show Your Dog Respects You

Published:  | Submitted by Rainer Arndt | permalink
Signs That Show Your Dog Respects You

By Linda Cole The loyalty of our dogs cannot be questioned; they will stand by us through thick and thin. Dogs can be well behaved and guard our homes and
Tags: does my dog respect me, alpha dog, alpha leader in dogs, leader of the pack in dogs, loyalty and respect from a dog, ,alpha dog,body language of dogs,canidae,linda cole,pack leader

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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