How Does Debt Become a Problem?

How Does Debt Become a Problem? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How Does Debt Become a Problem?. This topic was created by Mary Wise and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Since We're Talking About Debt And Deficits Again, Here Are The Facts... [CHARTS]

Published:  | Submitted by Lewis Epperson | permalink
Since We're Talking About Debt And Deficits Again, Here Are The Facts... [CHARTS]

In the two weeks since a faction of Congress...

Tip 2 - The National Debt "Problem" Is a Tragic Myth

Published:  | Submitted by Fred Tovar | permalink
The National Debt "Problem" Is a Tragic Myth

( Cross-posted at The United States Government IS NOT Like Your Family What if 46 cents of every dollar you spent was borrowed? You'd quickly find yourself bankrupt. Presently,

Tip 3 - U.S. Government Debt: 1981 To The Present

Published:  | Submitted by Bonnie Gentry | permalink
U.S. Government Debt: 1981 To The Present

The federal government has been spending like drunken sailors. With no system to control spending, the lid is off Pandora's box and the debt is growing out of control. However, the real problem is yet to come. Learn more about it in this article!
Tags: Investing,Personal Finance,Retirement,Washington

Tip 4 - How Dangerous Is U.S. Government Debt?

Published:  | Submitted by billy schwer | permalink
How Dangerous Is U.S. Government Debt?

The dollar's status as the world's reserve currency has become a facet of U.S. power, allowing the United States to borrow effortlessly and sustain an assertive foreign policy. But the capital inflows associated with the dollar's reserve-currency status have created a vulnerability, too, opening the door to a foreign sell-off of U.S. securities that could drive up U.S. interest rates. In this Center for Geoeconomic Studies Capital Flows Quarterly, Francis E. Warnock argues that a sell-off came close to happening in 2009. How the United States uses this reprieve will affect the nation's ability to borrow for years to come, with broad implications for the sustainability of an active U.S. foreign policy.
Tags: United States, Financial Crises, Budget, Debt, and Deficits, Francis E. Warnock

Tip 5 - Why high government debt is a problem

Published:  | Submitted by Andreas Bruck | permalink
Why high government debt is a problem

The Obama Administration is trumpeting that the budget deficit has been cut by half, "the largest four-year reduction since the demobilization from World War II." Indeed, CBO projects the deficit this year will be 3 percent, maybe dropping a few tenths over the next few years before beginning an inexorable climb driven by demographics, health

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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