How Does Hair Turn Gray?

How Does Hair Turn Gray? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How Does Hair Turn Gray?. This topic was created by Wendy Diltz and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Why Does Hair Change Colour And Turn Grey?

Published:  | Submitted by knut hammarskjold | permalink
Why Does Hair Change Colour And Turn Grey?

Most of us find our first “greys” by the time we turn 30, usually at the temples, then later, across the scalp. While many people find the salt and pepper look appealing, others go to great lengths to conceal these locks. The grey hair “rule of thumb” is that by the age of 50, half of the population have lost the colour in 50% of their hair. When researchers tested this rule, they found that 74% of people aged between 45 and 65 had grey hair, with an average intensity of 27%.

Tip 2 - Premature Graying: Reasions, Options

Published:  | Submitted by Daniel Mirol | permalink
Premature Graying: Reasions, Options

Experts explain why some of us are destined to sport the 'distinguished' look at an early age.
Tags: premature gray hair, prematurely gray, going gray, gray hair, graying hair, graying, white hair, vitiligovitiligo, vitamin B12 deficiency, anemiaanemia

Tip 3 - Do You Know Why Hair Turns Gray?

Published:  | Submitted by Rao GS | permalink
Do You Know Why Hair Turns Gray?

Have you ever wondered why hair turns gray as you get older and whether there is something you can do to prevent it? Here's what happens.

Tip 4 - 6 Things You Didn't Know About Gray Hair

Published:  | Submitted by Mika Storz | permalink
6 Things You Didn't Know About Gray Hair

Find out what is causing your salt-and-pepper strands.

Tip 5 - Revealed, why we go grey and why beards turn ginger

Published:  | Submitted by Vindevogel Bart | permalink
Revealed, why we go grey and why beards turn ginger

For example, scalp hair is usually lighter than pubic hair, which often has a 'red' tinge, says Rodney Sinclair, Professor of Dermatology at Epworth Hospital and the University of Melbourne.
Tags: No,stress,DOESN,T,turn,hair,grey,men,s,beards,really,ginger,Expert,reveals,really,affects,hair,colour

Tip 6 - Does stress really make your hair go gray faster? - HowStuffWorks

Published:  | Submitted by Nate Blanchard | permalink
Does stress really make your hair go gray faster? - HowStuffWorks

Does stress really cause gray hair? Explore this article to find out where gray hair comes from and what role stress plays in its development.
Tags: stress gray hair, gray hair stress, gray hair

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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