How Does Shampoo Clean Hair?

How Does Shampoo Clean Hair? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How Does Shampoo Clean Hair?. This topic was created by Linda Mc Conico and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How Shampoo Works

Published:  | Submitted by wegobad | permalink
How Shampoo Works

You know shampoo cleans your hair, but do you know how it works? Here is a look at shampoo chemistry, including how shampoos works and why it's better to use shampoo than soap on your hair.

Tip 2 - How does shampoo and water act together to clean the hair? |

Published:  | Submitted by ALEXANDER DARWIN | permalink
How does shampoo and water act together to clean the hair? |

Shampoos contain surfactants that lessen the surface tension of water, which binds to the oil and dirt on the hair that washes away when rinsed. Surfactants are also found in laundry detergent and...

Tip 3 - This Woman Hasn't Used Shampoo For 5 Years

Published:  | Submitted by Tita Zeffren | permalink
This Woman Hasn't Used Shampoo For 5 Years

We tend to freak out at the thought of going more than a few days sans shampoo (and always reach for the dry shampoo bottle in between). But there are women (and men) across the country abiding by a &
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Tip 4 - How Does Shampoo Clean Hair? | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by John Stiernberg | permalink
How Does Shampoo Clean Hair? | eHow

How Does Shampoo Clean Hair?. The detergents in shampoo are able to breakdown oils that accumulate on hair into tiny droplets. Once broken down, water is able to rinse the oil, as well as dust, flakes of skin and dirt out of the hair and down the drain. The detergents used in shampoos are able to access and clean tiny crevices found in hair, the...

Tip 5 - Why does shampoo lather less in dirty hair than clean hair? • /r/askscience

Published:  | Submitted by heather herron | permalink
Why does shampoo lather less in dirty hair than clean hair? • /r/askscience

It had been a long sweaty and dirty weekend cutting firewood, hanging drywall, and whatnot. I was somewhat surprised to find that when I used my...
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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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