How Does a Home Staging Business Owner Spend a Workday?

How Does a Home Staging Business Owner Spend a Workday? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How Does a Home Staging Business Owner Spend a Workday?. This topic was created by CHANTAL DUTREY and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Real Estate Home Staging Courses in New Jersey | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Mark Barnett | permalink
Real Estate Home Staging Courses in New Jersey | eHow

When the real estate market turns into a buyer's market, home sellers need every advantage they can get to separate their home from all the others on the market. For sellers, hiring a home stager can help show their home in the best light possible and sell their home quicker and for more money. Home stagers undergo training that certifies them as...

Tip 2 - Home Staging to Sell: The Latest Techniques That Really Work

Published:  | Submitted by Deon Pinard | permalink
Home Staging to Sell: The Latest Techniques That Really Work

Get up to speed on the best ways to appeal to potential buyers through accessories, furniture, colors and more
Tags: house,architecture,design,interior design,interior designer,architect,kitchen,bath,modern,traditional,contemporary,contractor,builder

Tip 3 - New Ventures After Retirement: Staging Your Second Act

Published:  | Submitted by mirko pulvirenti | permalink
New Ventures After Retirement: Staging Your Second Act

Even if you've reached retirement, you may not be ready to leave the stage. Here's how to have a strong second act.

Tip 4 - A Day In The Life Of A Real Estate Agent

Published:  | Submitted by floresrob | permalink
A Day In The Life Of A Real Estate Agent

While every day is unique for a real estate agent, there are some activities that may be a typical part of an agent's day.
Tags: finance careers,financial professionals,real estate terminology

Tip 5 - Psychology of Ecommerce Sales: Staging Your Product Pages

Published:  | Submitted by Derek Tucker | permalink
Psychology of Ecommerce Sales: Staging Your Product Pages

Could the placement of your products on your website boost sales? You bet. Here's where your best products should feature for the biggest boost to your bottom line.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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