How Does a Mountain Bike Differ From a Racing Bike?

How Does a Mountain Bike Differ From a Racing Bike? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How Does a Mountain Bike Differ From a Racing Bike?. This topic was created by Tom Arnemann and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Mountain Bikes vs. Road Bikes

Published:  | Submitted by hdrg | permalink
Mountain Bikes vs. Road Bikes

The naked eye might catch only the superficial differences between a road bicycle and a mountain bicycle. And while there are some crossovers, the two are essentially designed to serve entirely different purposes. Here’s how they both stack up. Mountain Bikes vs. Road Bikes >>> [pagebreak]

Tip 2 - Racing Bikes Vs. Mountain Bikes | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by Hannah Piterman | permalink
Racing Bikes Vs. Mountain Bikes | LIVESTRONG.COM

A racing bike and a mountain bike are completely different, from their riding position to their smallest components. Racing bikes pay rigorous attention to weight and aerodynamics for the fastest possible performance. Mountain bikes invest heavily in shock absorption and traction for off-road experiences. Each bike is available in an enormous range...

Tip 3 - The Differences Between a Mountain Bike and a Road Bike | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by Sergio Viriato | permalink
The Differences Between a Mountain Bike and a Road Bike | LIVESTRONG.COM

For every possible type of terrain, there's probably a bike designed to handle it. Pavement and trails have very different surface characteristics that demand a specialized bicycle. The road bike, designed for pavement, has over a century of racing heritage and is the predecessor of every bicycle since. Mountain bikes were conceptualized much...

Tip 4 - 10 Reasons Why Mountain Biking is Better than Road Biking

Published:  | Submitted by Doug Smart | permalink
10 Reasons Why Mountain Biking is Better than Road Biking

There are so many reasons why mountain biking is better than road riding. Here are just 10.
Tags: mountain biking, road riding, mountain bike, road bike

Tip 5 - How do on-road mountain bike speeds translate to road bike speeds?

Published:  | Submitted by Jeff Archambault | permalink
How do on-road mountain bike speeds translate to road bike speeds?

When cycling on roads on my mountain bike, I generally get around 10-12 miles per hour on a flat surface. What sort of speeds can I expect to get on a road bike?

Tip 6 - How much of a difference will I notice going from a Mountain bike to a road bike?

Published:  | Submitted by alexbirdie | permalink
How much of a difference will I notice going from a Mountain bike to a road bike?

I have a Mountain bike with 1.95 tyres on it. Most of the cycle path I take into work is fairly well paved/asphalted, I'm not going over any dirt tracks or anything like that although there is the ...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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