How Does a Veterinarian Spend a Workday?

How Does a Veterinarian Spend a Workday? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How Does a Veterinarian Spend a Workday?. This topic was created by Tim Fells and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How Does a Meteorologist Spend a Typical Workday? | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Gerry Muldoon | permalink
How Does a Meteorologist Spend a Typical Workday? | eHow

Although you might think of the person on television telling you to take an umbrella as a meteorologist, that may or may not be true, as broadcasters are not necessarily meteorologists. Many meteorologists are actually atmospheric scientists, and their job is to study weather and climate. Meteorologists usually specialize in one or more areas,...

Tip 2 - What is a typical day at work for veterinarians?

Published:  | Submitted by Helen Grigorovich | permalink
What is a typical day at work for veterinarians?

The typical daily activities of veterinarians primarily depend on their focus. Equine veterinarians travel to farms and ranches to visit animals, while those who specialize in small animals spend...

Tip 3 - How Does a Pet Store Owner Spend a Workday?

Published:  | Submitted by Edmund Landgraf | permalink
How Does a Pet Store Owner Spend a Workday?

Pet store owners have many of the same responsibilities as other small-business owners, including paying taxes and handling payroll paperwork. But they get the added bonus of being able to play with ...

Tip 4 - How Many Years of School Does It Take to Be a Vet?

Published:  | Submitted by tlheidemann | permalink
How Many Years of School Does It Take to Be a Vet?

A career as a vet may beckon if you enjoy working with animals and can master difficult science subjects. Although many veterinarians work in private clinics, others spend the workday visiting farms ...

Tip 5 - Surprising Things That Veterinarians Do That You May Not Expect

Published:  | Submitted by Avi Inbar | permalink
Surprising Things That Veterinarians Do That You May Not Expect

From taking pets home overnight to abandoned kitten care, Dr. Patty Khuly shares some of the more unusual things vets do in the course of a normal workday.

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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5 Tips
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