Tip - How I Get My Kids to Clean Their Room - Living Well Spending Less®

Published  | Submitted by Salman Khan
How I Get My Kids to Clean Their Room - Living Well Spending Less®

I haven’t talked about it much but for the past year or so an epic struggle has been waging in the Soukup household.  It is Mommy versus Kids in the War of the Tidy Room, and while there are still small battles being fought now and then, I can finally say with confidence that I am winning. I am not exaggerating when I tell you it has been a long and arduous and, at times, downright painful campaign.  It has involved tears, threats, bribes, rewards, games, countless trips to the naughty stool, and more reorganizing, reevaluating, relabeling, and retraining than I would care to admit.  At one point it even ... read more

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Posted: 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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