How Is Cast Iron Made?

How Is Cast Iron Made? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How Is Cast Iron Made?. This topic was created by Senior Siegel and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How Lodge Cast Iron Skillets Are Made in Tennessee — Maker Tour

Published:  | Submitted by Mike Hinton | permalink
How Lodge Cast Iron Skillets Are Made in Tennessee — Maker Tour

Who: Lodge Manufacturing What: Seasoned cast iron and seasoned steel cookware Where: South Pittsburg, TN Lodge Manufacturing has been in business since 1896, and they are the oldest manufacturer of cast iron cookware remaining in the United States. The company continues to make classic, long-lasting skillets and other tools in a manufacturing process honed by both age and necessity. I took a tour of the 118-year-old company's plant in South Pittsburg, Tennessee to see how its popular line of factory-seasoned cast iron is made. If you've ever wondered just where your cast iron skillet came from, come along and see!

Tip 2 - cast iron | metallurgy

Published:  | Submitted by Anders Bru 00f 6chner | permalink
cast iron | metallurgy

An alloy of iron that contains 2 to 4 percent carbon, along with varying amounts of silicon and manganese and traces of impurities such as sulfur and phosphorus. It is made by...
Tags: cast iron, encyclopedia, encyclopaedia, britannica, article

Tip 3 - How Is Cast Iron Made? | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Bill Bratton | permalink
How Is Cast Iron Made? | eHow

How Is Cast Iron Made?. The making of cast iron begins with a combination of raw materials. Iron is rarely found in its pure form. Only meteorites contain pure iron. The iron in use for centuries is found in the combination of iron and other elements. These combinations are known as iron oxides. Mining pulls most of the iron from iron ores which...

Tip 4 - The Truth About Cast Iron Pans: 7 Myths That Need To Go Away

Published:  | Submitted by Mix Masta Mike | permalink
The Truth About Cast Iron Pans: 7 Myths That Need To Go Away

There's a mysterious, myth-packed lore when it comes to cast iron pans. On the one hand there's the folks who claim you've got to treat your cast iron cookware like a delicate little flower. On the other, there's the macho types who chime in with their my cast iron is hella non-stick or goddam, does my pan heat evenly! In the world of cast iron, there are unfounded, untested claims left right and center. It's time to put a few of those myths to rest.\n
Tags: cast iron,cast iron cooking,equipment,faq,myth

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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