How Is Kobe Beef Raised?

How Is Kobe Beef Raised? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How Is Kobe Beef Raised?. This topic was created by Maurice Houdijk and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Japan's Kobe Beef: What Makes It Special

Published:  | Submitted by Caspar Pretzell | permalink
Japan's Kobe Beef: What Makes It Special

Cows that drink beer, are massaged with rice wine and listen to classical music? For meat lovers, Kobe beef is considered the epitome of fine dining. And at a few hundred bucks a pop you’d want it to be. So what exactly is Kobe beef? Kobe beef comes from the Tajima-gyu breed of cattle found [...]

For further reading: [1]

Tip 2 - The Legacy of Kobe Beef

Published:  | Submitted by Momys S | permalink
The Legacy of Kobe Beef

Kobe Beef from Carnevor Photo by Kate Engbring Fantasia on an Ostinato ,Eat/Drink
Tags: Eat/Drink,Chef Jason Gorman,Eat/Drink,Dining,Kobe Beef,Dream Dance Restaurant,Kobe Beef from Carnevo

Tip 3 - Grass-Fed Wagyu Beef - Pasture Prime Wagyu Florida Grassfed Beef

Published:  | Submitted by Stinne Sander | permalink
Grass-Fed Wagyu Beef - Pasture Prime Wagyu Florida Grassfed Beef

ORDER NOW ► What is Wagyu Beef? You’ve probably heard of Kobe beef. It’s legendary for superior flavor, buttery texture, and perfect marbling. Kobe is not a breed, though. Wagyu is the breed, and Kobe beef comes from the Wagyu breed of cattle raised in the Kobe region of Japan. Just as “Champagne” can only …

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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