How Many Computers Can XP Be Installed On?

How Many Computers Can XP Be Installed On? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How Many Computers Can XP Be Installed On?. This topic was created by Ralf Zimmermann and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Win XP on two computers?

Published:  | Submitted by speedway | permalink
Win XP on two computers?

Hello- I am planning on making a 2nd computer. Am I able to simply use my Win XP (full not upgrade) for a 2nd comp? Will Microsoft detect the same copy...

Tip 2 - How to automatically install Windows XP on multiple computers?

Published:  | Submitted by thomas coyle | permalink
How to automatically install Windows XP on multiple computers?

I need to know if there is a way to automatically install Windows XP on multiple computers (about 50). Something like creating a "bat" file or some sort of script file where I would write the

Tip 3 - FAQ - Common Windows 7 Installation Questions & Answers

Published:  | Submitted by Susanne Hessner | permalink
FAQ - Common Windows 7 Installation Questions & Answers

If you have any questions about installing Windows 7 please start a new thread to ask your question. Please don't reply to this post if you are asking a question. If any mods want to make corrections
Tags: Windows,Windows 7,Install, Upgrade and Activate

Tip 4 - Windows XP Version and Licensing Frequently Asked Questions - Technibble

Published:  | Submitted by Dan Zarazan | permalink

A few weeks ago we transulated the Windows XP licence agreement from legal-jargon to english and have had readers ask specific questions about what they ar

Tip 5 - If I buy a copy of XP Pro, on how many PCs can I install it?

Published:  | Submitted by Pedro Brandao | permalink
If I buy a copy of XP Pro, on how many PCs can I install it?

If I were to buy 1 retail version of XP Professional, on how many computers can I install it legally? If I'm only allowed to install it on 1 PC, what is the best option if I need to install XP Pro on

Tip 6 - Install Windows XP on Your Pre-Installed Windows Vista Computer

Published:  | Submitted by Akainu | permalink
Install Windows XP on Your Pre-Installed Windows Vista Computer

The question I am asked most often is “How do I install a dual-boot with Windows XP on my new Windows Vista computer?” The answer is that it’s not that difficult, it’s just very time consuming, and you need to own a copy of Windows XP.

Tip 7 - How to Install Windows XP on a Windows Vista Computer

Published:  | Submitted by Marcus Kindley | permalink
How to Install Windows XP on a Windows Vista Computer

So you just bought a laptop with Windows Vista (or Windows 7) installed, and you hate Vista, one of your programs doesn't work, or you just miss Windows XP. Here's what you do to get back that old operating system that you miss so much....
Tags: WikiHow, Install Windows XP on a Windows Vista Computer, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

23.7k+ Reads
7 Tips
7 Votes
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