How Often Should a Dog Have a Rabies Vaccination?

How Often Should a Dog Have a Rabies Vaccination? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How Often Should a Dog Have a Rabies Vaccination?. This topic was created by Grzegorz Sawicki and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Rabies vaccines - Why, when, and how often does your dog need to be vaccinated?

Published:  | Submitted by vasmpa | permalink
Rabies vaccines - Why, when, and how often does your dog need to be vaccinated?

Rabies is a contagious viral disease that can affect many mammals including dogs, cats, horses, cattle, and people.
Tags: Pet Health, Dogs, rabies, vaccination, rabies vaccine

Tip 2 - Vaccinations

Published:  | Submitted by baaaam | permalink

Lucky for us, there are vaccines to help prevent many illnesses that affect dogs. Vaccinating your dog has long been considered one of the easiest ways to help him live a long, healthy life.

Tip 3 - Should the Rabies Vaccine Be Given Every Two or Three Years?

Published:  | Submitted by John Niemann | permalink
Should the Rabies Vaccine Be Given Every Two or Three Years?

The rabies vaccine is required by every state in the U.S. but repeatedly administering the rabies vaccine for dogs does not enhance your pet's immunity.
Tags: rabies vaccine, canine rabies vaccines, pet vaccine schedule, rabies vaccine for dogs, adverse vaccine reactions, veterinary vaccines

Tip 4 - Pet Vaccines: Schedules for Cats and Dogs

Published:  | Submitted by Nicolas Desmares | permalink
Pet Vaccines: Schedules for Cats and Dogs

Are you up on your pet’s vaccines? Use these handy reference charts from WebMD to keep up with the vaccination schedule for your dog or cat.
Tags: pet vaccines, pet vaccinations, dog vaccines, cat vaccines, dog vaccination schedule, cat vaccination schedule, parvovirus, rabies, herpesvirus, calicivirus, feline leukemia, bordetella, lyme disease and dogs, prevention of lyme disease in dogs, core vaccines for dogs, core vaccines for cats

Tip 5 - Watchdog: How often does your dog need a rabies booster?

Published:  | Submitted by Lenahan Family PS 3 | permalink
Watchdog: How often does your dog need a rabies booster?

Minnesota veterinarians have been fighting like cats and dogs over how often rabies vaccinations should be given to dogs. Some say a booster should be given every other year; others say every three years.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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