How TV Affects Kids to Become Overweight

How TV Affects Kids to Become Overweight – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How TV Affects Kids to Become Overweight. This topic was created by Tuono and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Television Watching and "Sit Time"

Published:  | Submitted by Brian K | permalink
Television Watching and "Sit Time"

            Research conducted at Harvard first linked TV watching to obesity more than 25 years ago. (5) Since then, extensive research has confirmed the link between...

Tip 2 - Even one hour of TV daily may cause kids to gain weight -

Published:  | Submitted by David Ajenstat | permalink
Even one hour of TV daily may cause kids to gain weight -

Even a little bit of television viewing goes a long way to potentially hurt a child's health, according to new research.
Tags: health, Even one hour of TV daily may cause kids to gain weight -

Tip 3 - Watching TV Makes Kids Fat

Published:  | Submitted by Courtney Lancefield | permalink
Watching TV Makes Kids Fat

Children who never watch TV during lunch or dinner are less likely to be overweight. And kids who skip meals are more likely to be overweight. New research points to our kids needing better habits.
Tags: kids fitness,kids nutrition,Endurance Sports

Tip 4 - Causes and risks for obesity - children: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Published:  | Submitted by cindy bogle | permalink
Causes and risks for obesity - children: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Tip 5 - Just A Single Hour Of TV Each Day May Affect Your Child's Weight

Published:  | Submitted by Donna Sutton | permalink
Just A Single Hour Of TV Each Day May Affect Your Child's Weight

A new study has found that children in kindergarten and first grade who watch at least 60 minutes of television a day are more likely to be overweight or obese than those less exposed to the tube.
Tags: childhood, obesity, is, associated, with, just, a, single, hour, of, tv, a, day, healthy, living

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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