"Please sir, may I have some more?" It may seem counterintuitive even to consider asking for more money when times are tough, but today’s circumstances may actually be favorable for stating your case for a raise. In fact, the 2011 Culpepper Salary Increase Budget Update Survey revealed that salary budgets, including increases, are higher in 2011 than they were in 2010. The survey also revealed that the number of companies instituting salary freezes has declined, and salary cuts have become virtually non-existent. Of course, you’ll need to proceed carefully with your quest for a bigger bowl of porridge. You don’t want to come across as out of touch or indifferent to the financial challenges still facing your employer. There may even be danger in asking for more if you aren’t great at your job or difficult to replace. On the other hand, if you don’t ask for a raise, you’re unlikely to get one. In times of financial crisis, no one is going to give you more unless you ask for it. But you Tags: ontargetjobs,pay raise
Posted: 9 years, 9 month(s) ago
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