Tip - How To Build A PVC DIY Photo Light Box - DIY Photography

Published  | Submitted by Joni Miller
How To Build A PVC DIY Photo Light Box - DIY Photography

It is no secret that we love PVC pipes turned into studio gear. we teamed up with pvcfittingsonline to make this quick and fun light tent tutorial. I have noticed that there is a growing need for Etsy entrepreneurs, bloggers, and DIY geeks like myself, to buff up on our photography prowess. I’m sure you’ve seen and have possibly been the culprit of horrible photo documentation online. Why spend all that time working, writing, and prepping when your photos come out looking like a bad webcam experiment circa 1995? Taking all this into account, I decided my next project would be a DIY light box. The idea of a light box is to disperse light evenly within a space so the object you’re photographing can be seen clearly and usually with a solid background. That makes light boxes perfect for taking product pictures (which I sometimes need to do for work). This light box plan gives you a space of about 20 square inches inside the box. The materials are super cheap and easy to find. Follow along with my instructional video or the written instructions below. Here’s how I made mine! You can watch the video after the jump or go by the textual guide.

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Posted: 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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