Tip - How To Make a Latte at Home Without an Espresso Machine — Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn

Published  | Submitted by Terje Skagen
How To Make a Latte at Home Without an Espresso Machine — Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn

We love our iced coffee in the summer, but fall and winter belong to the latte. We love to sit inside on a chilly day with a hot, frothy latte or cappuccino. But a latte shouldn't just be a coffee shop treat. Even without an espresso machine, a milk frother, or other toys of the trade, you can make a pretty decent latte at home — and yes, it will have a beautiful cap of foam. Here's how we do it when we want a latte at home, to sip in the morning, or with a visiting friend.

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Posted: 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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