Tip - How To Meet Your Significant Other's Parents Without Terrifying Them

Published  | Submitted by T Rex 53
How To Meet Your Significant Other's Parents Without Terrifying Them

Of all the fraught rites of new-relationship escalation—Facebook status changes and move-ins and one of you using the toilet while the other showers and so on—none inspires more anticipatory dread than the Parent Meet. And for a whole host of legitimate reasons: the psychic weight of parental approval on even independent, well-adjusted people; the general fusty badness and stingy these-kids-today skepticism of all generations prior to yours; and, most of all, your utter, absolute, feral-child-grade dearth of formal social skills. It's a minefield!
Tags: ADEQUATE MAN, HOW TO, SOCIAL NICETIES, DATING, editors' picks, Adequate Man

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Posted: 9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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