How to Add a Sports Widget in Friendster

How to Add a Sports Widget in Friendster – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Add a Sports Widget in Friendster. This topic was created by Abraham Punnoose and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - [TOMT] Friendster Widget that can embed autoplay music or Playlists onto profiles • /r/tipofmytongue

Published:  | Submitted by Angel Apodaca | permalink
[TOMT] Friendster Widget that can embed autoplay music or Playlists onto profiles • /r/tipofmytongue

Hey, I'm looking for the name of this particular website that can embed music or playlists in Friendster profiles. I forgot the name of the...
Tags: reddit,, vote, comment, submit

Tip 2 - Friendster API and the Social API Battle

Published:  | Submitted by Gary Ming | permalink
Friendster API and the Social API Battle

Tip 3 - Friendster

Published:  | Submitted by Kleomenes | permalink

From their site: The Friendster Developer Platform consists of a set of APIs to Friendster data and seamless integration points within the Friendster web site to create compelling widget applications for Friendsters over 50 million users. The APIs provides access to Friendster data through a rich REST-style interface. These resources can be accessed using an API key and a shared secret that is issued to every widget.

Tip 4 - Introducing Slate widgets. First up: Bushisms.

Published:  | Submitted by Heliox 2000 | permalink
Introducing Slate widgets. First up: Bushisms.

We've been offering you several portable formats for Slate: our mobile site, our e-mail newsletters, and multiple RSS feeds. Our latest feature is a piece of Slate that drops right onto your blog, Facebook profile, or iGoogle home page: the Slate Bushisms widget. What's a widget? In the online world,...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

20.2k+ Reads
4 Tips
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