I’m receiving loads of questions from my visitors who want to learn how to add an email signup box to their blog. It could be a headache for a beginner who has just started a blog. To save your precious time, I decided to dedicate a whole blog post on that topic. The main problem for starting bloggers is getting visitors and making them come back for more. I tend to discover a LOT of great blogs (and blog posts) on a daily basis but I never go back for one simple reason: They don’t collect emails and I simply forget about them. Bang, you’ve just lost me for good. This is where we ALL lose a lot of visitors. The solution for this problem is collecting email addresses from YOUR visitors. I’m preaching email marketing and I also have a free blogging course where I collect emails from my visitors. In my opinion, email marketing is way better than social media marketing. However, it doesn’t mean you’ll have to leave social media behind… but email brings better results, here’s why: Email is personal, private and cheap. Imagine for a second how much more visitors you’d have if all the happy folks who enjoy your posts come back regularly. That’s probably a lot. This is exactly what email marketing helps to achieve. You simply add an email subscription box below your posts or in a sidebar and ask people to sign up so you could notify them via email about new posts, announcements, products etc… I bet you’ve seen something similar on different blogs and websites: Here’s how you can add it to your blog as well. The current tutorial works well for WordPress blogs (if you don’t believe me, go through the steps and see it yourself.) and I’m sure you will get [...]
Posted: 9 years, 9 month(s) ago
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