How to Air Pop Popcorn

How to Air Pop Popcorn – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Air Pop Popcorn. This topic was created by jordan mozer and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How To: Make Popcorn

Published:  | Submitted by Laurie Wittges | permalink
How To: Make Popcorn

Microwave popcorn was all over the news today. Diacetyl, which adds that buttery taste, can cause lung damage when heated and inhaled - leading to a potentially fatal condition known as "popcorn workers’ lung." And that's not all - Angela at Shelterrific pointed us to this article: Plastic Ocean, which says that one of the chemicals used to treat microwave popcorn bags has serious health risks. So, whether you like your popcorn plain, salty, buttery, or sweet, chances are you're looking for another way to make it. Here's the basics on making popcorn yourself - with or without a bag.

For further reading: [1]

Tip 2 - Popcorn as healthy as veggies? Depends how you pop it

Published:  | Submitted by Ilaria Gregotti | permalink
Popcorn as healthy as veggies? Depends how you pop it

Who doesn’t love unwinding on a Friday night with a terrific movie and a great big bowl of fluffy popcorn? When prepared with just the right ingredients, popcorn is low in calories, heart-smart, and surprisingly chock-full of healthy nutrients.

Tip 3 - How to: Homemade Air Popped Popcorn Using a Paper Bag | A Colorado food, life and adventure blog... on

Published:  | Submitted by Heidi Morton | permalink
How to:  Homemade Air Popped Popcorn Using a Paper Bag | A Colorado food, life and adventure blog... on

Growing up, my mom would make us homemade buttered popcorn.  To be more specific, a large, very hot monster of a machine would rifle out popped corn kernels into a bowl strategically placed in line with the launch pad.  The fluffy newborns would then go into a gigantic silver bowl where a whole stick of…

Tip 4 - A Snack That Pops: Popcorn

Published:  | Submitted by Paul St Pierre | permalink
A Snack That Pops: Popcorn

'The Recipe Doctor' offers healthier options for a favorite snack.
Tags: diet, nutrition, healthy snacks, popcorn, trans-fat

Tip 5 - Air Popped Popcorn Vs. Oil Popped | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by MPH John Goldenring | permalink
Air Popped Popcorn Vs. Oil Popped | LIVESTRONG.COM

Whether at the movies, a ballgame or in front of the TV, people in the United States consume 16 billion quarts of popcorn per year--about 54 quarts for every man, woman and child. Not all popcorn is created equal. The differences between air-popped and oil-popped popcorn have the potential to affect your dietary or weight-loss goals.

Tip 6 - The easier, cheaper way to make air-popped popcorn

Published:  | Submitted by Chas Martin | permalink
The easier, cheaper way to make air-popped popcorn

Did you know you can make air-popped corn in the microwave with nothing but dried corn and a small paper bag? No frying oil required. Try this simple trick and make easy lunch box additions, after school snacks, and movie night popcorn in minutes.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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