How to Athiests And Christians Put Their Differences Aside And Respect Each Other

How to Athiests And Christians Put Their Differences Aside And Respect Each Other – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Athiests And Christians Put Their Differences Aside And Respect Each Other. This topic was created by lukserg and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 10 Things Christians and Atheists Can (And Must) Agree On

Published:  | Submitted by Louis Lauteria | permalink
10 Things Christians and Atheists Can (And Must) Agree On

digg_url = ''; The war that's coming between the fundament...

Tip 2 - Can atheist and theist family members get along? - Faitheist

Published:  | Submitted by Robert Comeau | permalink
Can atheist and theist family members get along? - Faitheist

'Understanding an Atheist' author Kevin Davis shares his advice for atheists and theists struggling to relate to family members with different beliefs.

Tip 3 - 7 Things Not to Say to the Atheist in Your Family - OnFaith

Published:  | Submitted by DI Constantine | permalink
7 Things Not to Say to the Atheist in Your Family - OnFaith

These tips should help make family visits more pleasant for everyone.

Tip 4 - "Hey, Christian, have you read the bible?" - a 15 year old atheist in a Christian School speaks out!

Published:  | Submitted by Lars Alfredsson | permalink
"Hey, Christian, have you read the bible?" - a 15 year old atheist in a Christian School speaks out!

Bio: Cassie Huye is a fifteen year old girl living in Baton Rouge, Louisiana with her parents and two siblings. She attends a private Christian School in Baton Rouge as a sophomore. Cassie aspires to me a columnist when she graduates from college, and currently is attempting to find a publisher for

Tip 5 - What Non-Christians Want Christians To Hear

Published:  | Submitted by Mary Fleenor | permalink
What Non-Christians Want Christians To Hear

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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5 Tips
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