How to Be Happy With Perky Small Breasts

How to Be Happy With Perky Small Breasts – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Be Happy With Perky Small Breasts. This topic was created by magoo 005 and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Why Having Small Boobs Rocks

Published:  | Submitted by Andrea Tyndale | permalink
Why Having Small Boobs Rocks

Yeah, you could get fake-looking implants, but you know your all-natural girls are damn sexy. And now science proves it.
Tags: why losing weight is bad for your breasts, why having small boobs is great, small breasts, tiny breasts, a-cup revolution, embrace your small chest

Tip 2 - Breast Lift Without Implants for Small Breasts? (photo)

Published:  | Submitted by Iain Saxton | permalink
Breast Lift Without Implants for Small Breasts? (photo)

I think your breasts are perfectly fine the way they are and sometimes women need to hear this from a plastic surgeon who examines dozens of breasts...

Tip 3 - Small Breasts Insecurity

Published:  | Submitted by Kulte 7ast Klub | permalink

I’m very insecure about having small breasts. At 20 I still get made fun of a lot and have trouble finding clothes and bras to fit my breasts. I hate them a lot and often find myself crying in fitting rooms and constantly googling how to make my boobs grow. I don’t want to get a boob job but I’m inc…

Tip 4 - 7 Reasons Why Having Small Boobs Is Awesome

Published:  | Submitted by Ron van Zelm | permalink
7 Reasons Why Having Small Boobs Is Awesome

1. You can wear dresses without a bra.

Tip 5 - 10 Reasons To Love Small Boobs - The Frisky

Published:  | Submitted by Daenny | permalink
10 Reasons To Love Small Boobs - The Frisky

I like boobs. I'm a straight woman, but really, who doesn't appreciate them? Robots. Reptiles. Sauron. That's about it. And I'm not even positive about Sauron. He might have, at some point, before he was all disembodied. Breasts are awesome. As feminist writer Gail Collins said in her New York Times piece, "Everybody likes breasts — infants, adults, women, men. Really, it’s America’s most popular body part." But sometimes it seems like we only get to talk about how awesome certain kinds of boobs are. The ones that are bold, perfectly round, Sports Illustrated-style, belonging to Christina Hendricks, full, plush, generous, prominent, and just generally big. Those words do not describe my breasts, but I like mine anyway. For some reason, I never learned to be ashamed. I listened to my brothers (and the world) make enthusiastic comments about well-endowed women, and, although I had a few moments of "Seriously, God? Where's the rest of my chest? YOU FORGOT SOMETHING," I grew up generally
Tags: body image,boobs,nipples,self esteem,sex,top ten

Tip 6 - Perk Up! 13 Reasons Having Small Boobs Is THE BEST

Published:  | Submitted by Paul Timmerman | permalink
Perk Up! 13 Reasons Having Small Boobs Is THE BEST

From feeling more pleasure in bed to attracting better men, science says says your small chest rocks
Tags: sex appeal, small boobs, small chest, flat-chested, reasons to love being flat-chested, benefits of small boobs

Tip 7 - Words from Men about Boobs, what guys think about small breasts

Published:  | Submitted by WF Eagleye | permalink

Words from men about boobs. Reay guys opinion about small breasts. If you have small boobs and you are down about it, some of the opinions will make you feel really good. Thank you for submitting!
Tags: words from men about boobs,how to get bigger boobs

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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