How to Be More Social as an Introvert

How to Be More Social as an Introvert – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Be More Social as an Introvert. This topic was created by Stefanie Gould and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How To Be More Social If You Are Introverted

Published:  | Submitted by Jason Batchelder | permalink
How To Be More Social If You Are Introverted

If you’re an introvert, then you know that your natural instincts don’t motivate you to go figure out how to be more social. How do you get over that?

Tip 2 - 7 Epic Strategies for Introverts (by Introverts) to Ignite Your Social Skills

Published:  | Submitted by Donald Messer | permalink
7 Epic Strategies for Introverts (by Introverts) to Ignite Your Social Skills

Twitter chimes in to offer some of the easiest and most effective tips on socializing for introverts -- provided by introverts, themselves!

Tip 3 - 4 Social Tips for Introverts

Published:  | Submitted by Ruchir Malhotra | permalink
4 Social Tips for Introverts

Social tips for introverts that aren't "just act like an extrovert." Includes how to understand how other aspects of your personality and temperament interact with your introversion.

Tip 4 - How to Go from Introvert to Extrovert

Published:  | Submitted by boomsit | permalink
How to Go from Introvert to Extrovert

Like many other things in life, your personality is complex and falls along on a continuum. Everyone has both introverted and extroverted traits. Most people fall somewhere on the middle of the scales.
Tags: WikiHow, Go from Introvert to Extrovert, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 5 - Social Hacking For Introverts

Published:  | Submitted by Lars Lauridsen | permalink
Social Hacking For Introverts

Introverts are simply people who feel more balanced when they have larger amounts of alone time, versus extroverts, who in turn feel more balanced when they’re in stimulating social environments more often than not. That’s all introversion and extroversion really are. However, due to our natural desire to spend ample amounts of time with our own brains rather than picking the brains of others, we also have a tendency to not be as skilled in the social arena as our extroverted counterparts. This can lead to feeling invisible among friends, family, co-workers and bosses, during the times when you really would like some acknowledgement or notice.
Tags: Social Hacks, Introverts, Psychology, Android, iPhone, Hackerspace

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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4 Tips
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