How to Be a Good Upstairs Neighbor in an Apartment Building

How to Be a Good Upstairs Neighbor in an Apartment Building – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Be a Good Upstairs Neighbor in an Apartment Building. This topic was created by michele roselle and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - This Video Nails Why Your Upstairs Neighbors Are The Worst

Published:  | Submitted by David Oxtu 00e 9 | permalink
This Video Nails Why Your Upstairs Neighbors Are The Worst

Ever wonder why your upstairs neighbors suddenly start making excessive noises at weirdly inappropriate times? Are there elephants up there? Are they really rolling bowling balls across their floor? A
Tags: this, video, perfectly, explains, why, your, upstairs, neighbors, are, the, worst, huffpost, home

Tip 2 - The Apartment Dweller's Honest Guide to Noisy Neighbors

Published:  | Submitted by carelflooren | permalink
The Apartment Dweller's Honest Guide to Noisy Neighbors

Learn it, live it. 

Tip 3 - How to Be a Good Upstairs Neighbor in an Apartment Building | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Michel Burgerhof | permalink
How to Be a Good Upstairs Neighbor in an Apartment Building | eHow

One must remember to be courteous when living in an apartment building. You may unintentionally bother your neighbors with actions that you perceive to be harmless. This is especially true for those individuals who live above an apartment. Living upstairs, you must always be aware that everything you do may be heard by those who live below. This...

Tip 4 - What To Do When You Are the Noisy Upstairs Neighbor? — Good Questions

Published:  | Submitted by Sherry Hobbs | permalink
What To Do When  You  Are the Noisy Upstairs Neighbor? — Good Questions

Q: Oh no! We've put two months of hard work into our new duplex apartment to make it a wonderful place to live, only to realize that we have the kind of downstairs neighbors who send out angry (not so) passive-aggressive notes. There's no insulation between our vintage hardwood floor and their ceiling, so while we are tiptoeing, they think we are stomping around. What should we do?

Tip 5 - These Upstairs Neighbors Are Worse Than Yours:

Published:  | Submitted by hdrg | permalink
These Upstairs Neighbors Are Worse Than Yours:

On my best friend's first day of college, she discovered she had the worst upstairs neighbor. All day long she heard a repetitive banging sound which she assumed was some kind of rubber ball being bounced and it threw here into a near rage. The next day she learned that, instead, the student above her walked with a cane. Oops. On my best friend's first day of college, she discovered she had the worst upstairs neighbor. All day long she heard a repetitive banging sound which she assumed was some kind of rubber ball being bounced and it threw here into a near rage. The next day she learned that, instead, the student above her walked with a cane. Oops.

Tip 6 - How to Complain About Your Noisy Neighbors Without Being That Guy

Published:  | Submitted by Aguilar X | permalink
How to Complain About Your Noisy Neighbors Without Being That Guy

When you live in an apartment building with other people, you're bound to encounter at least one tenant who is a bit noisier than the rest. Whether it's excessively loud music, lovemaking, or whatever, here's how to approach the situation without being an equally obnoxious neighbor.
Tags: social gps, Apartment, Complaints, Landlord, Living, Home, Household, Neighbors, Top, Lifehacker

Tip 7 - This video perfectly describes your upstairs neighbors

Published:  | Submitted by Heppo | permalink
This video perfectly describes your upstairs neighbors

How comedy network Above Average aced this for-the-Web sketch.
Tags: Matt Moskovciak; Above Average; comedy; online; sketch; upright citizens brigade; youtube

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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