How to Be a Ski Bum

How to Be a Ski Bum – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Be a Ski Bum. This topic was created by Jamesek and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Financial Planning

Published:  | Submitted by mlapaglia | permalink
Financial Planning

Living the dream—that’s an expression that always creeps into ski bum lore…but what does it mean? It means skiing pow, all the time. And working? No thanks.  Except this combo actually requires more ingenuity than moving millions on Wall Street everyday. If you want to LTD, all you need to do is keep your eyes on the prize, wing it on blind faith, and get used to eating free bar peanuts.

Tip 2 - How to Be a Ski Bum

Published:  | Submitted by Klaus Richter | permalink
How to Be a Ski Bum

If you live and breathe skiing, you probably think that ski bums live quite an envied life - one that, of course, centers around skiing. Here's how to become a ski bum.

Tip 3 - Get Paid to Ski and Snowboard: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Ski Bum

Published:  | Submitted by Eileen Silva | permalink
Get Paid to Ski and Snowboard: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Ski Bum

Tags: how to make money, odd jobs, entertainment, income, make money, save money, ski, travel, weird job

Tip 4 - Ski Bums Pick: North America’s 10 Most Livable Ski Towns Year-Round

Published:  | Submitted by Arnaud Booij | permalink
Ski Bums Pick: North America’s 10 Most Livable Ski Towns Year-Round

Here are North America’s top 10 mountain towns that provide equally great skiing and great year-round living, as chosen by current “graduated” ski bums.

Tip 5 - Why the Death of the Ski Bum Will Ruin Ski Towns Everywhere

Published:  | Submitted by John Slemp | permalink
Why the Death of the Ski Bum Will Ruin Ski Towns Everywhere

Thinkstock There's something awesome about being a ski bum for one season or for twenty: your main goal in life is to chase the snow. Whether it's in Jackson...
Tags: curbed, ski, alta, park city, snowmass, aspen, denver, mountains, rockies, ski, real estate, apartments, homes, neighborhood, neighborhoods, blog, maps

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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