How to Be a Survivor in ALL situations

How to Be a Survivor in ALL situations – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Be a Survivor in ALL situations. This topic was created by silentcircuit and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - The Survivor Personality - Chapter One

Published:  | Submitted by e 590 | permalink
The Survivor Personality - Chapter One

The Survivor Personality: Why Some People are Stronger, Smarter and More Skillful at Handling Life's Difficulties... and How You Can Be, Too by Al Siebert, PhD With foreword by Bernie Siegel, MD &c...
Tags: al siebert,free chapter,survivor personality

Tip 2 - 10 People Who Survived the Impossible (Survivors, Survived, Struck by Lightning, Andes Crash, Survive the Sahara, Vesna Vulovic, Frane Selak, Andes Survivors, Bugorski, Joe Simpson, Roy Sullivan, Truman Duncan, Aron Ralston, Mauro Prosperi) - ODDEE

Published:  | Submitted by Christopher Pazera | permalink
10 People Who Survived the Impossible (Survivors, Survived, Struck by Lightning, Andes Crash, Survive the Sahara, Vesna Vulovic, Frane Selak, Andes Survivors, Bugorski, Joe Simpson, Roy Sullivan, Truman Duncan, Aron Ralston, Mauro Prosperi) - ODDEE

From a stewardess who survived a bombing at 33,000 feet, to a man struck by lightning 7 times! (Survivors, Survived, Struck by Lightning, Andes Crash, Survive the Sahara, Vesna Vulovic, Frane Selak, Andes Survivors, Bugorski, Joe Simpson, Roy Sullivan, Truman Duncan, Aron Ralston, Mauro Prosperi)
Tags: Survivors, Survived, Struck by Lightning, Andes Crash, Survive the Sahara, Vesna Vulovic, Frane Selak, Andes Survivors, Bugorski, Joe Simpson, Roy Sullivan, Truman Duncan, Aron Ralston, Mauro Prosperi

Tip 3 - Action Survivor - TV Tropes

Published:  | Submitted by M Kostrzewa | permalink
Action Survivor - TV Tropes

The Action Survivor is an Innocent Bystander in dangerous circumstances. He won't so much get The Call as be pinned by a telephone pole, thus trapping him in an adventure that a more qualified Action Hero would have trouble sorting out. The …

Tip 4 - Handling With Humility the 5 Most Difficult Suicide-Related Situations

Published:  | Submitted by Nicc Navarre | permalink
Handling With Humility the 5 Most Difficult Suicide-Related Situations

Few pastoral duties demand more sensitivity and tact than ministering to people whose loved one has taken his or her life. Consider the advice of this experienced Bible commentator.
Tags: suicide, Larry Tomczak, ministering to survivors, does God always condemn suicide?

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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