How to Block your Kids from Using MySpace (Or Any Site) (vista users see notes)

How to Block your Kids from Using MySpace (Or Any Site) (vista users see notes) – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Block your Kids from Using MySpace (Or Any Site) (vista users see notes). This topic was created by Denis Assad and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Kid-Proof Your PC with SteadyState

Published:  | Submitted by Willem Bakkes | permalink
Kid-Proof Your PC with SteadyState

When you've got your Windows XP or Vista setup running perfectly, you don't want to lose all your painstaking customizations to a reckless tot, an experiment-minded friend or spouse, or a rogue system-lousing program. Windows SteadyState, as we mentioned earlier this week, helps you to create a kind of virtual rubber room those types can play around in and not really harm anything. SteadyState can also restrict web site access for innocent eyes, set timer limits on user access, and get better control of those other folks who use your computer—in other words, SteadyState makes you the Grand Master Sysadmin of your single-unit empire. Let's take a look at setting up SteadyState and get familiar with a few of its key features. Windows SteadyState Creates a Wreck-Proof Space for Kids, Experiments Windows SteadyState Creates a Wreck-Proof Space for Kids, Experiments Windows SteadyState Creates a Wreck-Proof Space fo Windows XP/Vista only: SteadyState, a free Windows utility offered by Microsoft, is a handy tool to … Read more Read more If you missed anything in any of those menus, you can always head back to them by clicking on the user account in SteadyState's main menu. Before you close out, though, click on "Set Computer Restrictions" and peruse the options there. Most important among them are the settings that remove access from the Administrator account, just in case your fellow users are good guessers or slightly devious. You've now got some seriously locked-down accounts, and you can import and export them from the main menu if you need this kind of setup on multiple systems. But you can take your protection a step further by creating a crash-proof hard drive.
Tags: Screenshot Tour, Feature, Hard Drives, Kids, Parent Hacks, Privacy, Screenshots, Security, System Recovery, Top, Utilities, Windows, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Lifehacker

Tip 2 - The five best free parental control programs

Published:  | Submitted by Samophlange | permalink
The five best free parental control programs

Recent research by security firm AVG revealed UK kids aged six to nine years old spend an average of 4.2 hours per week using social networks. The research also nearly half (47 percent) of this age group talk to their friends online but 20 percent have admitted to being bullied online.This clearly highlights the ever increasing need to educate children on the danger of the web. First and foremost, parents should be discussing with their kids how they can stay safe online.
Tags: parental controls softwrae, free, windows live family safety, norton onloine family, AVG FAMILY SAFETY, pgsURFER, SOCIAL NETWORKS, BLOCK ACCESS TO WEBSITES AND PORTOGRAMS, k9,internet,security,software

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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