How to Borrow Money Like the Rich

How to Borrow Money Like the Rich – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Borrow Money Like the Rich. This topic was created by sherry vidal -brown and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Secrets of the rich: Use other people’s money - MoneySense

Published:  | Submitted by Michel Louette | permalink
Secrets of the rich: Use other people’s money  - MoneySense

Want to build a real estate empire or grow a business from scratch, but you don’t have the cash? Try a little leverage.

Tip 2 - How to Borrow Money Like the Rich | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Timothy Naylor | permalink
How to Borrow Money Like the Rich | eHow

As the land of opportunity, America has a reputation for wanting you to become rich. There are TV shows that explain how to get rich, there are books that offer financial advice, and there are websites and radio shows devoted to financial issues and investments. One constant theme is that you can learn from those people who have already attained...

Tip 3 - Suze Orman: How To Borrow Money Like a Pro

Published:  | Submitted by Leticia Serrano - Behal | permalink
Suze Orman: How To Borrow Money Like a Pro

Here are savvy strategies for dealing with loans, plus ways to get ahead on your retirement savings. By Suze Orman Q: I'm a 27-year-old married medical student and new mom who has taken ou
Tags: suze, orman:, how, to, borrow, money, like, a, pro, own

Tip 4 - Why Fantastically Wealthy Apple Is Borrowing Money

Published:  | Submitted by STEVE OMANS | permalink
Why Fantastically Wealthy Apple Is Borrowing Money

Why would Apple borrow billions of dollars, when it already has so much cash sloshing around?

Tip 5 - Why Apple -- cash-rich and debt-free -- is going to borrow money

Published:  | Submitted by P 2530 | permalink
Why Apple -- cash-rich and debt-free -- is going to borrow money

An explanation to the puzzle of why Apple is borrowing funds, while also rewarding shareholders with higher dividends.

Tip 6 - Think Like A Rich Person: Four Habits Of Mind To Build Wealth

Published:  | Submitted by Anton SK | permalink
Think Like A Rich Person: Four Habits Of Mind To Build Wealth

If you look at the top of the list of the world's wealthiest people, one of the striking things is that the source of their money can be summed up in one word. Bill Gates: Microsoft. Carlos Slim: telecom. Amancio Ortega: retail. In short, they were concentrated in one area. It [...]
Tags: Business,Entrepreneurs,Leadership,Management,Taxes and Law,Taxes & Law,Bank of America,Bill Gates,Silicon Valley,US Trust

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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