How to Build Cheap Camera Equipment

How to Build Cheap Camera Equipment – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Build Cheap Camera Equipment. This topic was created by Eric Frokjer and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 43 Photography Hacks, Mods And DIY Projects - DIY Photography

Published:  | Submitted by Lynda Ellington | permalink
43 Photography Hacks, Mods And DIY Projects - DIY Photography

My gift to you readers for DIYP 3rd Year Aniversarry - 43 Photography Hacks, Mods And DIY Projects. (And some shameless self promotion) Light Modifiers 1. Homemade Speedlite "Snoot" 2. The Best Softbox Ever 3. Using A Cooling Honeycomb As A DIY Gridspot 4. The DIY Speed Strap 5. The DIY Speed Strap - Accessories And Samples 6. Kimel’s Pop Up Flash Soft Box Diffuser 7. Drinking Beer - Out! Snooting - In! 8. Striplight and Softbox 9. Gel Holder for Flash 10. V Cards

Tip 2 - 10 Pieces Of DIY Filmmaking Equipment - Raindance

Published:  | Submitted by Denise Storace | permalink
10 Pieces Of DIY Filmmaking Equipment - Raindance

How many times have you heard or read the phrase “in this wintry economic climate” or something similar over the past few months? Several, I bet. As the money falls out of the film industry however, the indie filmmaker retains an edge over his/her studio counterparts. The indie filmmaker is used to working with a …

Tip 3 - 11 DIY Photography Equipment Hacks

Published:  | Submitted by 3th 3r | permalink
11 DIY Photography Equipment Hacks

Photography is one of our favorite pastimes here at DIYReady. The trick to taking a good photo isn't necessarily your fancy equipment. Did you know years ago people used to make their  photography equipment out of cardboard and some tubing? It isn't terribly difficult to make your own dark room developing solution, either.  Do

Tip 4 - Equipment for low budget filmmaking - Learn about film

Published:  | Submitted by Martha Ryan | permalink
Equipment for low budget filmmaking - Learn about film

How to choose video and still cameras and other equipment for low budget filmmaking, and why gear isn't everything.

Tip 5 - 10 Amazing Photography DIY's to Help you Cut Costs

Published:  | Submitted by Jilly van Deventer | permalink
10 Amazing Photography DIY's to Help you Cut Costs

Learn how to make your own awesome photography gear instead of spending a fortune - Go DIY and get better shots for less money

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

12.9k+ Reads
5 Tips
6 Votes
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