How to Build Pond Bike-Jumping Ramps

How to Build Pond Bike-Jumping Ramps – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Build Pond Bike-Jumping Ramps. This topic was created by Elton Silva and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Pond-Jumping Ramp

Published:  | Submitted by Cristina Neacsu | permalink
Pond-Jumping Ramp

To beat the heat this summer, we decided to do something fun, creative and slightly extreme. Jumping the bike into our neighborhood pond seemed like a...

Tip 2 - Jump Into a Lake!

Published:  | Submitted by V 151 ON | permalink
Jump Into a Lake!

Time to have some fun! All you need now is a lake or neighborhood pond and a bike. Make sure the lake/pond is deep enough before jumping or you could ...

Tip 3 - How to Build Pond Bike-Jumping Ramps

Published:  | Submitted by Germain Delagardelle | permalink
How to Build Pond Bike-Jumping Ramps

Pond jumping is an extreme sport in the area of freestyle BMX riding. Riders pedal toward a ramp and launch off the ramp and into a pond or lake. While soaring through the air, the rider ditches his ...

Tip 4 - Moment a bike stuntman's flaming jump over a lake went horribly wrong... but he miraculously lived to tell the tale

Published:  | Submitted by Geert Ceulers | permalink
Moment a bike stuntman's flaming jump over a lake went horribly wrong... but he miraculously lived to tell the tale

Mike Gaboff, of Millstone, New Jersey, was launched from a six-story ramp across a Californian lake for a motorcycle stunt that was to be used in a movie trailer on April 21.
Tags: Moment,bike,stuntmans,trick,went,horribly,wrong,overshot,pond,survived

Tip 5 - City shuts down bike park near Jamaica Pond - The Boston Globe

Published:  | Submitted by Adam Castleton | permalink
City shuts down bike park near Jamaica Pond - The Boston Globe

It is a thing of beauty. For at least a decade, this wedge of land just west of Jamaica Pond has been a hidden haven for bike enthusiasts. They hand-built trails of bumps and jumps, and got airborne. Tucked between Parkman Drive and Prince Street and largely hidden in the trees, it remained secret. And then a couple of years ago, Kyle Orrico and a couple of buddies decided to make the park into something more ambitious. What they achieved leaves you gape-mouthed. It starts with perfectly formed bumps, and symmetrical berms. A hairpin turn is glass-smooth. Beyond it are huge doubles – ramps more than ten 10 feet high – where cyclists soar. They did a great job. So great, the city is shutting it down.
Tags: Kyle Orrico,Jamaica Plain,Jamaica Pond,Frederick Law Olmsted,John Iappini,Gerry Wright, Frederick Law Olmsted

Tip 6 - Mountain Biking Takes It Inside

Published:  | Submitted by Adonis Vlachopoulos | permalink
Mountain Biking Takes It Inside

Seventy-five feet under the Louisville Zoo, in a labyrinth of Kentucky limestone mined into Swiss cheese, a few million pounds of soil have been sculpted into the trails, berms, and jumps at Mega Cavern, the world’s first underground bike park.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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